This is a list of commands I find myself writing all the time to managed containers and docker swarm services on my Windows 10 dev machine. These scripts are compatible with Docker 1.12 and Docker for Windows.
Swarm Mode
Enable swarm mode:
if(!(docker info).contains("Swarm: active")){
docker swarm init
Create a custom overlay network:
$network = "network_name"
if(!(docker network ls --filter name=$network -q)){
docker network create --driver overlay $network
Create and start a service using a custom overlay network:
$service = "service_name"
$network = "network_name"
$image = "image_name"
$replicas = 5
docker service create --name $service --network $network --replicas $replicas $image
Start a service and expose a port on the host system:
$service = "service_name"
$network = "network_name"
$image = "image_name"
$hostPort = 8080
$servicePort = 80
docker service create --name $service --network $network --publish ${hostPort}:${servicePort} $image
# test port
Start-Sleep -s 5
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName "" -Port $hostPort -InformationLevel "Detailed"
Start a service and mount a local system directory:
$service = "service_name"
$image = "image_name"
$hostDir = "/c/users/docker/data"
$serviceDir = "/data"
docker service create --mount type=bind,src=$hostDir,dst=$serviceDir --name $service $image
Start a service and mount a local volume:
$volume = "volume_name"
docker volume create --driver local --name $volume
$service = "service_name"
$image = "image_name"
$serviceDir = "/data"
docker service create --mount type=volume,src=$volume,dst=$serviceDir --name $service $image
List all matching services:
$service = "service_name_part"
docker service ls --filter name=$service
Get CPU, memory, network and IO statistics for all running instances of a swarm service:
$service = "service_name"
docker stats $(docker ps -q -f "name=$service") --no-stream
Get the virtual IP list of all running instances of a swarm service:
$service = "service_name"
docker inspect --format='{{.Name}}{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}} IP: {{.IPAMConfig.IPv4Address}} {{end}}' $(docker ps -q -f "name=$service")
Get the virtual IP of all running instances of a swarm service for a specific overlay network:
$service = "service_name"
$network = "network_name"
$template = '{{.Name}}{{with index .NetworkSettings.Networks \"' + $network + '\"}} {{.IPAddress}}{{end}}';
docker inspect -f $template $(docker ps -q -f "name=$service")
Get the volume list of all running instances of a swarm service:
$service = "service_name"
docker inspect --format '{{.Name}}{{range .Mounts}} Source: {{.Source}} Destination: {{.Destination}}{{end}}' $(docker ps -q -f "name=$service")
Remove all instances of a swarm service that aren’t currently running:
$service = "service_name"
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q -f "name=$service" -f "status=exited")
Update a service:
$service = "service_name"
$image = "image_name"
docker service update --image $image $service
Stop a service:
$service = "service_name"
docker service scale ${service}=0
Remove a service:
$service = "service_name"
docker service rm $service
Docker host cleanup
Remove all stopped containers:
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q -f "status=exited")
Remove untagged images:
docker rmi $(docker images -q -f "dangling=true")
Remove orphaned volumes:
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q -f "dangling=true")
Start a Bash session in a running container:
$container = "container_id"
docker exec -i -t $container /bin/bash
Stop and remove all containers by image name or image ID:
$image = "image_name"
docker rm $(docker stop $(docker ps -a -q -f "ancestor=$image"))
Connect to a docker server over TCP:
$env:DOCKER_HOST= "tcp://"
docker info
Monitor MobyLinuxVM with cAdvisor container:
docker run -dp 8090:8080 -v /var/run:/var/run:rw -v /sys:/sys:ro -v /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro --name=cadvisor google/cadvisor:latest
Note that --volume=/:/rootfs:ro
mount is not available in Docker for Windows VM, that’s why I removed it from the run command.
Access cAdvisor interface on your Windows machine at http://localhost:8090/
Aggregate all containers logs with logspout:
$ docker run -dp 8010:80 --name="logspout" --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gliderlabs/logspout
Connect with PowerShell to see your local aggregated logs in realtime: